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Getting Started


Q: What is CM/ECF?

CM/ECF (Case Management/Electronic Case Files) is the court's online system that allows case filings to be made electronically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Q: What are electronic (ECF) cases?

Electronic (or ECF) cases are those cases in which the court requires all filings to be made electronically via CM/ECF. No paper filings are allowed in ECF cases absent leave of the court.

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Q: Are there any fees to use CM/ECF?

There are no fees to use CM/ECF, however, there are filing fees for Attorney Complaints/Petitions and Notices of Appeal. (To view the court's current fee schedule, please click here.) Access to view documents is available through PACER and the current fees for PACER usage will apply to documents and reports viewed through CM/ECF. For the latest PACER fee schedule, please click here. The court also has a public terminal in the Clerk's Office that is available for use free of charge. Attorneys of record are given one free look at documents filed electronically in their cases by viewing the document within 15 days of the file date through the Notice of Electronic Filing delivered to the e-mail address(es) listed in the attorney's e-filing account information.

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Q: How do I register for e-filing in the United States Court of Federal Claims?

Only attorneys who are members of the United States Court of Federal Claims Bar may obtain e-filing privileges in the United States Court of Federal Claims. If you are a member of the court's bar, you may register for e-filing through PACER. If you are not a member of the court's bar, you must first apply for admission to the court's bar through PACER via verified application. See our CM/ECF Resources page for more information.

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Q: How long does it take to get an e-filing account?

If you are an attorney who is a member of the court's bar, once you submit your e-filing registration, you will be notified of your e-filing status by e-mail within one business day. If you need your account right away to file a document, please call us at 866-784-6273 (toll free) or 202-357-6402 (local) (between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. eastern time) and we will do our best to expedite the process.

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Q: What computer software is required to access CM/ECF?

The following software is required:

  • a word processing program;
  • PDF software; and
  • a web browser.

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Accessing the System


Q: I have an e-filing account but I forgot my password. What do I do?

E-mail us at or call us at 866-784-6273 (toll free) or 202-357-6402 (local) (between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. eastern time) and we will e-mail you a new password. We will only send passwords to the primary address on your account and we will never give passwords over the phone. Once you receive your new password, you must link your e-filing account to your PACER account. For more information on linking your e-filing account to your PACER account, please click here.

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Q: I cannot login. What's wrong?

Here are some things to look out for when having trouble logging in:

  • If you have already linked your e-filing account with your PACER account, make sure you are using your PACER username and password and not your old e-filing username and password.
  • All usernames and passwords are case sensitive. Make sure you do not have your caps lock on.
  • Make sure you are using the correct password for your username.

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Q: How do I change my password after my account is created?

All account maintenance is handled by the PACER Service Center. We can only change the password of an existing CM/ECF account for the purpose of linking an attorney's existing CM/ECF account to a PACER account. To contact the PACER Service Center, visit or call (800) 676-6856. For more information on updating your e-filing account, please click here.

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Q: How do I add additional e-mails to my account?

Log in to CM/ECF, go to Utilities > Maintain Your Account and select the e-mail information button. Select "Add new e-mail address" and add the new address in the box below "Configuration options." When finished, select the Return to Person Information Screen button, select the Submit button, and then select the additional Submit button. Any change to your primary e-mail address must be done through

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Q: Why am I required to use PDF when filing documents in CM/ECF?

CM/ECF accepts PDF files only because PDF files retain the original document format for all viewers regardless of the computer used. In addition, PDF files are easily read within a web browser's built-in PDF viewer or other free PDF viewers (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader), an important factor in court documents, which must be identical and accessible for all parties.

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Q: Are there any low-cost alternatives to PDF software?

You are not required to purchase any specific software to create PDF files for CM/ECF. Although many people associate PDF with Adobe Acrobat, there are many vendors that make software to view and create PDF documents. There are also some free alternatives.

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Q: What is the PDF file size limit?

The current PDF file size limit is 200 MB.

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Q: My PDF file is too big, what do I do?

First, try to make the PDF file smaller. Most PDF software contains an optimization function that can reduce the overall size of a file -- often by more than half. If your PDF file still is too big to be filed as is, then you need to split the file into smaller parts or segments. The exact process will vary according to the software you are using. You can then attach all of these parts or segments when you submit your filing.

For example, if you have a 350 MB motion for summary judgment, including appendices, you can use your PDF software to split the file into smaller PDF files so no one file exceeds 200 MB:

  • File #1 - Motion (to be filed in CM/ECF as the main document)
  • File #2 - Exhibits 1-4 (to be filed as an attachment to the motion)

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Q: I am trying to file a large number of attachments but am having trouble, what do I do?

If you have a large group of documents to be filed, you may split the filing into multiple filings (e.g., Administrative Record Part 1, Administrative Record Part 2). Each filing must consist of a main document (e.g., Notice of Filing Administrative Record Part 1) and may include multiple attachments (including a description of what is contained in each attachment). When uploading the attachments, if you experience delays or failure, add fewer attachments to complete the filing and then include the remainder of the attachments in a supplemental filing (e.g., Notice of Filing Administrative Record Part 2). Please use the proper event when filing voluminous records (e.g., Administrative Record or Medical Records) instead of the generic Notice or Notice of Filing.

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Q: How should I redact my PDF file?

The best way to ensure good redaction is to redact the original document prior to creating it as a PDF file. This way, the redacted text is never part of the PDF file and cannot be uncovered. There are also redaction features in some commercial PDF software. Additional information about redaction is available here.

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Rules and Procedures


Q: Which rule covers electronic filing procedures?

The court's electronic filing procedures are set forth in Appendix E of the court's rules; for electronic filing procedures in Vaccine Act cases, see Supplement to Appendix B of the court's rules.

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Q: Is it possible to correct a mistake after I have filed a document?

Once you have hit the final Submit button in CM/ECF, your document is entered on the docket and served electronically. At this point, the document is part of the official record of the case and service cannot be modified. If you realize that you have made an error, call us for assistance at 866-784-6273 (toll free) or 202-357-6402 (local) (between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. eastern time).

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Q: How do I file a document via CM/ECF that requires the signatures of more than one party?

When filing a document that requires the signatures of multiple parties, you may either (1) file a scanned document containing all necessary written signatures or (2) file a document containing both an electronic signature for each party ("s/[name of party]") and the filing attorney's representation that the other parties have reviewed the document and consent to its filing.

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Q: Opposing counsel was not served electronically. What should I do?

You are not responsible for service of an electronically filed document unless directed by court order to do so. If failure of service is the fault of opposing counsel, it is opposing counsel's responsibility to obtain a copy of the document through PACER. If failure of service is due to a technical problem at the court, then the court will serve an electronic and/or paper copy of the document on the appropriate counsel.

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Q: I experienced technical problems that prevented me from meeting a filing deadline. What should I do?

If your computer has crashed or you are having technical problems that will not allow you to complete your filing, you may:

  • find a working computer within your office;
  • use a public computer;
  • (if local) come to the Clerk's Office during business hours (between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. eastern time); or
  • file a motion for extension of time out of time explaining the situation.

You MAY NOT file a paper version of the document. If you need further assistance, please call us at 866-784-6273 (toll free) or 202-357-6402 (local) (between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. eastern time).

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Q: How do I sign for another attorney?

Pursuant to Rule 83.1(c)(2), you may sign for another attorney by signing his or her name ("s/[attorney's name]") followed by your name ("by s/[your name]"). For example: s/John Doe by s/Jane Doe. Just remember to add the "s/" prior to both names.

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Technical Issues


Q: I am trying to file a document but I keep getting this error message: "ERROR: Document is malformed or contains code which may cause an external action (such as launching an application). This PDF document cannot be accepted." What should I do?

The PDF file needs to be flattened prior to uploading it to CM/ECF. Follow the steps below to correct the issue:

Print to PDF (Windows)

  • Open a file in a Windows application.
  • Choose File > Print.
  • Choose Adobe PDF as the printer in the Print dialog box.
  • Click Print. Type a name for your file and click Save.

The Adobe PDF printer is not available on Mac. However, you can use the Save As Adobe PDF option to print a file to PDF on Mac.

Print to PDF (Mac OS)

  • Open a file in a Mac OS application.
  • Click the PDF button and choose Save As Adobe PDF.
  • Choose the Adobe PDF Settings and click Continue.
  • Type a name for your file and click Save.

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Q: I am trying to file a document but I keep getting this error message: "ERROR: Document is not a well-formed PDF document." What should I do?

This error message appears when you are trying to attach a document in CM/ECF that is not a PDF file. Only PDF files may be filed via CM/ECF. You will need to go to the source document and convert it to PDF before you can proceed with filing.

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Q: I do not see a link to a document on the docket sheet. What does this mean?

There are a couple of reasons this may occur:

  • The case may have been a paper case that predated CM/ECF. If the document numbers on the docket sheet are not blue hyperlinks (like this: 3), then the document is not available electronically. For more information about obtaining copies of paper documents, please call us at 866-784-6273 (toll free) or 202-357-6402 (local) (between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. eastern time).
  • The judge or special master may have issued a NON-PDF order, in which case the docket text constitutes the order—there is no uploaded PDF file.

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Q: Why am I not getting e-mail notifications of filings in my case?

There are a couple of reasons this may occur:

  • You have not registered for an e-filing account. You cannot receive electronic notifications if you do not have an e-filing account.
  • You have edited your notification list in your e-mail information to notify you of filings in certain cases only. You must keep this list up to date with new cases if you have chosen to depart from our default settings (all cases in which you are a participant).

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Q: The system keeps kicking me out when I try to file. Every time I try to log in, it says that I am already logged in. When I click the button to continue, it sends me back to the login screen. What should I do?

When this occurs, clear your browser cache, close the browser, open a new window and try again.

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Q: What are the CM/ECF attorney rules for viewing sealed documents?

Only the attorney of record for an active party in a case can access sealed documents in that case via CM/ECF.

When an attorney of record attempts to open a sealed document in one of the attorney's assigned cases, he or she MUST be logged in to CM/ECF; otherwise, the attorney will be presented with the log in screen. CM/ECF will only grant access to sealed documents after verifying the attorney of records's login credentials.